Hi there!
Welcome to nammie-on-the-web and thanks for visiting my site! I invite you to take a moment and look around. Find out about my non-profit management experience, unique understanding of strategic planning, and years of educational leadership.
To learn more about my background, experience, skills and how we could potentially work together, simply contact me using the "Let's Connect" page.
Also, as a "Thank You" for scrolling through to the end of a page I have included a favorite educational, motivational, and/or inspirational quote I have encountered over the years. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Happy browsing!
From a young age, I’ve always had a sense of motivation and passion driving me forward. Whether it’s exploring unique opportunities, learning additional skills, or meeting new people, I bring these values to every experience throughout my life on a personal and professional level.

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself."